Tuesday, 28 December 2010

a haiku

Lunch time extended
building emptied quickly.
Thank you fire drill.

some haikus

Waitress leans over
table wiped, jiggling view.
Remember to tip.

Water drops clinging
slow crawl to umbrellas edge.
Repeated death fall.

Waves wash over feet
sinking deeper into beach.
Time and time again.

Lost sandle departs
on high tide world set voyage.
Stowaway plaster.

Monday, 13 December 2010

tourist haiku

Japanese tourists
shriek at our ordinary.
Photo taken, click.

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

haiku about clouds

Clouds race across sky
fat cumulus soon chased down.
Sprinty cirrus wins.

Monday, 22 November 2010

sex position haiku

Pointy chin feature
sex position, hold on tight!
Called the cliff hanger.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

a haiku

Waiters pants too tight
thrusts at menu selection.
Special of the day.

a haiku about a tram

Tooth rattling trams
grind around restrictive paths.
Beg to be set free.

further haikus

Playful dog sharp yelps
embarrassed owner shushes.
Slumbering park.

Sauna choking heat
wooden bench tanlines on back.
Awaken summer.

Monday, 15 November 2010

some haikus

Greetings my old friend
been a while since we last met.
Hard look in mirror.

Deco style ramparts
foreign fauna around moat.
King of this castle.

Loney bean in tin
did not follow my orders.
Dead comrades on toast.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010


Autumn colour change
highlighter through green.
Pages fall from spine.

Chimney releases
smoke blown horizontally.
Flat line signature.

couple of haikus

Hurry the fuck up!
Get off this train, let doors close!
Two stops before home.

Mosh pit tumbled stones
rhythm of cymbol wave splash.
Drumroll continues.

Sunday, 3 October 2010


Gossip radar set
filter out teashop static.
Aww, ethels cats died.

.VictimOf Autum.
Brown fallen leaf lays
stuck to damp greying pavement.
Wrestler out cold.

Friday, 24 September 2010

a haiku

Bend down, touching toes
spine creaks or is it a fart?
Either one feels good.

further haikus

Wafting battle cry
bean toastie volcano.
That scalding first bite.

'Fuck you!' Screams pixel
tiny middle fingers rasied.
Broken laptop screen.

Bright future vision
dirty embarrassed eyesore.
Boom age buildings slump.

Monday, 20 September 2010

some haikus

Pages curl inwards
Forming a fist, secrets safe.
Internal diary.

Jar lid rotated
Curious sniff, heaving retch.
Rotting mustard mould.

Morris dancers strut
Fertility dance of old.
No match for moonwalk.

Thursday, 16 September 2010

a haiku about dreams

Thick condesation
sticks to windows, exhaled breaths.
Our satisfied dreams.

a haiku

Stale biscuit tin crumbs
remnants of memories.
Greedily robbed clean.

some haikus

Shoe tread puddles form
downpour tantrums wash away.

Soreheaded dull weed
headbutting each train passing.
Suffers in silence.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

these lives lost

Office fills grudgingly,
shop bought recyclable cups
litter desks.
Alpha office males yawn.
Swivel chairs swapped
when no-one is looking.

Yesterdays jobs finally complete
shoes taken off to stretch tired feet,
clock watching for coffee break.
Thoughts already of lunch.

Tonguing remains of biscuit,
stolen from presentation buffet
to tide over until lunch.
Google new jobs and holiday breaks
to fight soul crushing job.

Zombie groans
from jealous friends of teachers who finish.
Switch from coffee to tea
hole puncher executive stress hand exercises.

Office empties
photocopiers and computers
wearily drift off into standby
with exhausted sighs.
Distant furious typing
to not end up working late.

Travel home in sauna shoe box
Silently read strangers novels
Generously held wide open
for all to share.

Ready meal remains stained plates
stacked by kitchen sink.
Lonely silhouetted figure
against an eastenders showing 42" lcd screen.
Laptop scrolls with facebook updates.
Holey sock creeps out from sofa cushion.

Scrolling through
contract free cable channels
to find something to waste time
until bedtime.

heavy headed

bowling ball faced man
with chipped features, stands
scowling through
net curtain drowned window,
at pipe cleaner bendy
legged children
enjoying their summers.
This familiar jealous pose
from his lonely childhood.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010


Cancerous autumn.
eats through tree dying brown leaves.
Skeletal winter.

Monday, 30 August 2010

loves over haiku

Sunbleached cardboard box
your things full sits in corner.
Our chapters fullstop.

haikus more

Self broken fingers
bones twisted to release pain.
No defensive fist.

Tree scratched scar marked wall
flirting with tipsy sunshine.
Lover leaves her mark.

Thursday, 26 August 2010

a haiku

Space shuttle debris
retarded firework falls.
Tragic drizzle rain.

some haikus

Block print carved hard wood
patient lines create story.
The paths we choose.

Iron rain rattles
puddles grow to grey oceans.
Bullying downpour.

The Titanic sails
large iceburg can opener.
frozen pea souls drown.

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

a haiku

Washroom sink splash back
'No. But, its not pee dribble.'
Modern day hazards.

a haiku about a tree in a gale

Tree quill stands in gale
ink stain spider roots hold tight.
Writing stories seen.

a haiku

Startched paper collars
ironing photocopies.
Soulless manuals.

Saturday, 21 August 2010

spartacus haiku

'I am Spartacus.'
'Fuck you! I am Spartacus!'
'No! I'm Spartacus!'

Saturday, 7 August 2010

some haikus

Durping at his desk
wooden dipping bird movement.
Bored office worker.

Sunbaked office fan
stands retro cool not modern.
No need to replace.

holds secrets about some staff.
Christmas office do.

shortbread piano love song

Hand written on crumpled paper
from slayed rain forest acres
with extended piano solo,
this love song
Ive practiced on a pretend keyboard.
Made from shortbread fingers
and bourbon creams
in Hong Kong
I'd set all the jazz bars aglow
with songs about my dreams
you, my so adored.

Tinfoil milk lid shakers
those heartbeat rhythm keepers.
This keyboard slowly
crumbles from sweaty touches
as I write toadstool notes
joined together like fairy lights
on pulse settings.
Spelling out in morse code,
my flavour biscuit type.

Bass drumming on biscuit tin lid
rich tea crumbs jostling knocks
harmonic chours lines crossed out,
biro eraser
sustain pedal below at my feet.
Made from rolled up socks
pressed down toes
notes linger
with headline tours soon soldout
this stage I soon outgrow
you, my sure heartbeat.

Tinfoil milk lid shakers
those heartbeat rhythm keepers.
This keyboard slowly
crumbles from sweaty touches
as I write toadstool notes
joined together like fairy lights
on pulse settings.
Spelling out in morse code,
my flavour biscuit type.

Written this song to impress you
I want it to be perfect,
thats why I repeat it over carefully
until its set in my heart
where it belongs.

Monday, 2 August 2010

a haiku about an orgasam

Suddering bus seat
large cobbled road works detour.
Suprise orgasam.


Birthday card empty
inside contains no story.
Another stranger.

Backwards in bus seat
breaks applied suddenly hard.
Child with gappy smile.

a haiku

Cowardly post hides
behind road sign shield emblem.
Tall speed camera steed.

further haikus

Ninja cat suprise
tail propels to attack speed.
Thigh stinging claw strike.

Lego brick uphill
reflected in shop window.
bus fails traction grip.

Monday, 26 July 2010


Trouser trumpet toots
her orchestra crescendos.
Encore! She cries loud.

some further haikus

Hard finger fucking
from touchscreen iphone users.
Satisfied girlfriends.

Sit on your white throne
command an army of death.
Curry from last night.

a haiku

Shower steaming pure
cleansed of clinging daily sin.
Cheaply sold soul works.

some haikus

Hanging pub lights sway
UFOs hover over.
Drunk voyage begins.

Pinky out, drink tea
eye poked as you slurpy sip.
Delicate tea cups.

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

a haiku about jazz

Chords lightly stammer
notes sucked through saxaphone straw.
Brush strokes tapping foot.

a haiku about wandering

Wandering lost still
looking for that rural path.
To my home at last.

a haiku

Hot chocolate cream
melts in warm thickening seas.
Global trade effects.

Sunday, 18 July 2010

hidden secrets found

Computers speak
in organised binaray tones
military bunkered
analysts confirm
the launch date
for world war three
is postponed
delayed deaths
for the millions
of soliders unknown.

Those silent orders
from classified departments,
war games played out.
Please for the good of the people
less secrecy
and more transparacy
our world full of doubt.

Humans speak
in auto dead monotones
blog status updates
information gained
by those few
no secrets unheard.
everything known
except those
kept silent in your heart
dont let them corrode.

Those silent orders
from classified departments,
war games played out.
Please for the good of the people
less secrecy
and more transparacy
our world full of doubt.

Computers speak
in scrambled erroring codes
liutenants soon pray
missle countdown
our slow death
burnt to the ground
dropped payload
unheard screams
through our online world
society erodes.

Saturday, 17 July 2010

the aftermath

Clock seconds tick
with an ever slowing pace
towards me,
familiar as your boots
over this bare wooden floor.

Cold thick socked toes
missing your warmth
demanding to know,
where you are.

Face covered with
sandpaper stubble, forgotten to shave
left with Homer Simpson muzzle
against which you once would nuzzle
nothing now but sharp corrigated rust.

Left with red eye fall out
since you've gone
crop circle trails
carved out from heavy tears
on salt dried skin.

Fall apart in these dreams
paralysed yet restless
with every lasting gentle
lick against my lips
that taste of you fades.

Friday, 16 July 2010

haikus about trains

Crowd surfing train rolls
over green leaved valley walls.
Bearable commute.

Steam trains tunnel path
shoelace tugged from leather boot.
Rethread through next hole.

early morning haiku

Heron yawns awake
stretches legs to releave cramp.
Sun up start fishing.

a haiku abotu summers rain

Grey boy racer clouds
skidding doughnuts across sky.
Rainbow speed humps slow.

Monday, 12 July 2010


Sharp caws for order
crows take organised council.
On knotted branched seats.

Sneezed solar system
destroyed by black hole sleeve.
Smeered back door window.

city bus of woe

this morning stuck on a overloaded bus
the autopiloted commuter run at 8.15
lurches around corners with
piano on skateboard lean,
late for work, all in a rush
hot crispy duck greasy leg
cooked alive
from over eager underseat heater
too stubborn to cough splutter and die.
Thick ear wax slowly melts
from hot mouth breathers over your shoulder
crumpled corners of morning newspapers read
silently you wish other passagers dead
spittoon bucket ding
signalling to stop
the bus suddenly pulls in.
More disgusted gazes upon
yawning faces
as more try to force themselves onboard
through opening doors
like contestants on stars in thier eyes
tonight matthew im going to be the one they all despise
the one with the double childs buggy
and ice cream saber waving screaming kids.
Stuck in traffic red light rages
commuters packed into excape proof cages
cabin fever hot sweats begin
as teens slowly deafen from tinny headphone din.
Stop button pressed with urgancy
crowd surf haul up towards the driver
five stops early gettig off now
bracing for a sharp jolting stop,
commando parachute exit drop
on the pavement catching your breath
no more, no more is your new mantra
walk further, instead of the bus of death.

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

island path

Numbed slowly to death
this fog too thick
to see through.
Unable to discover myself
as I cant explore
what is here.
Patience worn thin
stomping a heavy path
already, I know where its heading
towards the sharp rocks
Your full beam smile
in this fog doesnt work
unheard gentle calls from you
to guide me.
Still I go in circling fumbled routes.
Scars embedded on my body
as I fight through sharp
overgrown paths.

Monday, 5 July 2010

embarrassed street light haiku

Embarrassed street light
illuminated red faced.
Smelly dog peed feet.

a haiku about shorts

Wear tight fitting pants
under summer faded shorts.
Squating reveals balls.

a haiku

Caerphilly tunnel
pretend London underground.
Next stop is Lisvane.

buzzing slowly bee haiku

Bee buzzing slowly
rear ended jolt from behind.
Quick paced jogger stung.

some haikus

Photos tell stories
all I have are healing scars.
Long unhappy life.

Spoiling squawk, loud
shirtless alpha males compete.
Raging in suns heat.

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

a haiku

Danger! Alarm sounds
vuvuzelas called to arms.
Wasp nest stadium.

Monday, 21 June 2010

knuckling trees

Playful trees tickle each other
with boney grandmothers fingers,
leaves rustle amongst the trees
carrying misheard chinese whispers
under your canopy hiding from harsh sun.
sit uncomfortably between knuckling roots.

a haiku about a mayfly

Mayfly uppercut flight
resting now on summers breeze.
Prolong this short life.

football played by a child

Uneven park scrubland yellowing pitch
every schoolboys afterschool itch,
cries of 'To me! To me!' looking for a pass
as herds of children flatten wilting grass.
Painless grazed knees from committed tackles
bouncing off injury free, rubber ankles
Tizer red fat cheeked kid, always a goalie
who dreams of large championship trophies
last to be picked due to his lack of pace,
but always has a reliable shot stopping face.
distracted by gentle mothers calls for supper
numbers drop steadily, due to dinner time hunger,
until those few full kit wearing remaining retire
due to fading light collect goal post jumper attire.

some haikus

Fat mans black t-shirt
sweating stretched salt sundial rings.
Afternoon wilts on.

Low hanging branched
tapping morse code messages.
Back to ground control.

Monday, 7 June 2010

some haikus

Brave glue footed fly
unable to wave him off.
'This pies mine!' he says.

One eye drifts open
hammock sways under tree shade.
Summers own slow pace.

a haiku

Fallen tree fence rests
wrestler against the ropes.
Waiting for rescue.

a cold breeze haiku

Bathing fire warmth
cold breeze taps frosty window.
unwelcome house guest.

some haikus about bbqs

Alpha males grilling
pimms drunk sun lounging women.
Garden barbecue.

Sausage pink inside
contained in burnt sleeping bag.
Barbecue flavour.

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

a haiku about eurovision

Polite applause ends
quizzical eyebrows raised high.
Moldova's entry

some haikus

Jet plane vapour trail
dental floss between white clouds.
High speed low movement.

Greedy airship clouds
clogging helpful sunshine rays.
Roses slumber on.

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

some haikus

Fielders in hot sun
white daisies against park green.
Loud cries of how's that.

Heavy branches hang
shopping bag carrying droop.
Spring blossom to fall.

Thursday, 27 May 2010

cardiff town centre

Old scars lazily covered
with flowerbed and tree bandaids.
Your deep green park lungs
clogged with cancer
from smug student disposable bbqs.
My love for you fades.

This place I no longer care,
to remember.
Just kidding yourself
Cardiff town centre.

Square tall apartment buildings
stand eggbox empty like my heart.
Soul sold down the Taff
asbo seagulls
meancing war cry squawk then laugh.
Sitting on wasted street art

Straight from uni deadend job
soul bleeds weekend boozes will renew.
Down St Marys street
the weekend crew
blue jeaned, checked shirt, brown shoed.
Broken feeling inside blue.

This place I no longer care,
to remember.
Just kidding yourself
Cardiff town centre.

With your lack of flare
gullible tourists robbed
you dont seem to care.
Big city dreams
things seem as they seem
you fail again.

This place I no longer care,
to remember.
Just kidding yourself
Cardiff town centre.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

a haiku about a crow

Roof clambering crow
upward escalator path.
No long haul flight here.

Friday, 21 May 2010

call of duty haiku

Control pad vibrates
that 100th head shot kill.
Online gaming king.

Thursday, 20 May 2010

some haikus

Cast iron girders
x-rayed skeleton remains.
Forgotten buildings.

Knitted thick grey sea
silent cloud sentences drift.
Seagull forms fullstop.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

yes we bellowed

Communication through these overland cables
bond us together,
ropes on what we heave
record our shared fables.
Bind fast, tight,
together we fight.

Neither pirates or castaways
this world nation will be ours
our armardas victorious day.

Yes we bellowed,
yes we bellowed,
shout filled sails.
Our tortured wails
carries us forward
our common man fellow.

Polluted salt water quenches our draining thirst
under a flag united,
storm creeps closing in
these roles we have rehearsed.
arms to deck,
will not ground wont wreck.

neither pirates or castaways
this world nation will be ours
our armardas victorious day

Yes we bellowed,
yes we bellowed,
shout filled sails.
Our tortured wails
carries us forward
our common man fellow.

Yes we bellowed,
yes we bellowed.
Yes we bellowed,
yes we bellowed.

Monday, 17 May 2010

implosion burn out

Burn out continues,
waiting for your red dwarf
fallout death.
Reborn and renews.
One hand to the other hot potato
skin damage scarring,
you burn yet i'll never let go.

The star
that burns brightest,
safe distance out far,
will often burn out
the fastest.

Night sky sags loaded,
a homemade valentines card
Glimmer pure, blinded
Oven gloves and wielders goggles
amateur protection,
from this raditing sparkle.

The star
that burns brightest,
safe distance out far,
will often burn out
the fastest.

Envelope all that is around
to keep you
fed and going.
Nothing left for you to consume,
burn out.

a forgotten garden haiku

Forgotten garden
lurks with tramps beard mystery.
Hope hidden away.

haiku about nesting crows

Inside chimney top
folded origami wings.
Secluded crows nest.

a haiku about daisies

Warm daisies sozzle
cowboy hat dotted festival crowd.
British garden lawn.

Friday, 7 May 2010

some haikus

Somewhere far out there
waiting soulmate sips coffee.
This journey to face.

Thick strangling smoke
chokes forest, posioning brown.
Flytipped plastic burns.

Monday, 3 May 2010

shopping days

Pocket faded crumpled shopping list
rubbed out pencil items
replaced with neat inked requests.
Aisles blocked with social chatter
ignored spilt milk.
Dumped items left on display stands
replaced with buy one get one free deals.
Defrosting prawns sit amongst
packets of exotic flavoured crisps.
Reduced yellow labeled bread prodded
by cheap fat fingers.

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

a haiku about hungry crows

Reflecting slug trail
dawn morning sunlit runways.
Hungry crows approach.

a haiku

Nervous shy new leaves
cling tightly to bare branches
The first summers breeze.

spring ending haiku

Dead daffodils curl
rusting brown burnt out street lights.
New dawn awaiting.

a haiku about a thin squirrel

Thin squirrels forage
spring bearings its summers yeild.
Fruit yet to ripen.

some haikus

Tree wobbles in breeze
branches stretched to keep balance.
Admiring views.

Pen lid splintered chewed
frustrated time wasting day.
Doodles on notepad.

Tea infuses slow
dark vapour trail dispersal
Mug of soothing calm.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

a sugar coated haiku

Doughnut sugared lips
resistance to kiss you fails.
Sickly sweet moment.

an awkward haiku

Hat stand stupor
awkward giant in corner.
A houseparty guest.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010


Broken window
shattered remains
held pieces in place
by soldered lead
hides a reflecting face.

Splintered shards
posh diamond cut
too sharp to seat
even the most delicately
placed birds feet.

Witches teeth smile
darkness within
biting cold passes through
to be repaired and renewed
hidden whispers come true

a haiku about spring sunshine

Blossom tree shadow
red bricked house baking gently.
Slow afternoon sun.

a haiku about grass

Thick bedhead hair grass
upskirt looking daisies full.
unmown city park.

some haikus about spring

Heavy bumble bee
stops to catch his busy breath.
Flower sags with weight.

Spring afternoon sky
tumbling clouds soon collide.
Soft fluffy car crash.

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

a haiku

Room next door rattles
gurgling radiator?
One more bedpost notch.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

afternoon haikus

Misty park hidden
deep puddling stud mark pools.
Damp spring afternoon.

Magpies circling
loud construction site contrast.
Exhaust fumes pollute.

Friday, 12 March 2010

empty sky haiku

Hot sugar white sun
punctuated pencil dots.
Silhouetted birds.

commuting haiku

Commuters shuttle
worn paths between A to B.
Much to still explore.

waking a baby haiku

Baby in push chair
gives mother quizzical frown.
Pushed over cobbles.


Low gear cyclist
all that hard effort wasted.
Small distance covered.

Tides retreat empty
return with bountiful goods.
Trading empire.

some haikus

Birds fed soggy bread
these brief friendship connections.
Lunchtime well spent

Flag taps against pole
like impatient finger tips.
Welcome to my land.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

a haiku

Silent boat floats by
wake carries whispered secrets.
Unknown plotted course.


Modern scars intrudes
on tiptoes peeking over
Ruins perfect view.

Train shudders, departs.
like a vibrating fart on
polished wooden floor.

weeds haiku

Wall built to defend
invaders creep through remains.
Pretty hybrid weeds.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

a haiku

Office chair rotates
the lighthouse keeper on watch.
Quick! The boss is here!

heavy stone haiku

Stone heavy raindrops
waking rattle against head,
Sheltering inside.

some haikus

No escape from waves
slow numb acceptance of death.
Lost soul overboard.

Faded scars on arms
acts as a barbed wire fence.
Keeping things in place.

Monday, 15 February 2010

my final over

My final over approaches
these innings drawing slowly,
to a close.
Do I bat out these last few balls
in a blaze of rage and frustration?
Or continue as I have done
to play the meek safety?
These remaining balls
should be savoured
some showmanship with applause.
Please bowl them quick
please, lets get this over with.
Strike hard, well hit
try to take out others,
to cause pain and damage
to finally have an impact
before its too late.
Acknowledged nod from the bowler
a wry smile returned,
this, the last delivery.
Bone breaking crack, that impact
blood red ball rises up
a distraction as all eyes
follow upwards.
I'm already walking
to the pavillion
Ball caught, cheers to the fielder
the hero of this match.
I'm already forgotten,
me the last batsman.

journey onwards

Lost somewhere between
dusk and dawn
as numerous hole punched stars
look down shining upon
a vast black canvas screen.

Trundling below
stolen from the depot
my brake van home
on vanishing railroad tracks
behind me, into the past
embraced in silent fog
from the trains smokestack
stations fade, forgotten at last.

A well thumbed faded
worn timetable
buried deep in my jean pocket
marked off in pencil
these stops feel so haunted.

You see me off
with a polite wave
I depart alone
wrapped in
this coal fuelled blanket
my final destination unknown.

Trundling below
stolen from the depot
my brake van home
on vanishing railroad tracks
behind me, into the past
embraced in silent fog
from the trains smokestack
stations fade, forgotten at last.

Holding your invite
this platform
stood there with a old suitcase
with my intitals on
you dont board I dont alight.

You see me off
with a polite wave
I depart alone
wrapped in
this coal fuelled blanket
my final destination unknown.

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

follow behind you

Following behind you
without hesistantion or doubt
is me, your pack mule,
admittedly I'd be cursing
and moaning through gritted teeth
during stumbling steep climbs.
Summitt views, spoilt
as I gasp for deep sweaty breaths
Unfocused photographs
captured with a camera timer
i still cannot work.
With my Ray Mears skills
I'd improvised a hammock
to keep you out of the
reach of creepy crawlies
as I stand guard
with a long stick.
When you tire
I would scoop you up
in my arms and carry you.
Whether just down the road
or the otherside of this planet
anywhere would be home
as long as its with you.

haiku about love

Forgotten whisper
shivering breeze ghostly touch.
The words I love you.

a moonlit haiku

Moonlit shadows flex
torch rolls across bedroom floor.
Silent puppet show.

some haikus about lost loves

Below bed hidden
amongst all my clutter lies
Bundled love letters.

Rich food will never
be the heartburn that you cause.
The sweetest dessert.

Sunday, 17 January 2010

a haiku about rain

Rain cascades downwards
secret morse code messages.
Patiently listen.


Seven a.m. fog
blankets the world in slumber.
Loud creak trees yawning.

Sticky mist below
trees stick out like giants toes.
Valley morning view.

a haiku about being british

Loud sharp cutting tut
echos across post office.
British etiquette.

some haikus

Favorite songs starting
public guitar solo now.
Dont care whose watching.

Slow practiced strip tease
not wearing contact lenses.
No heart to tell her.

Saturday, 16 January 2010

the peg i need

Faded posters
spread large, of forgotten
soap starlet women.
Form load bearing structures
covering these darkened walls.
Not for pleasure,
hidden by clutter
my self fought brawls.

This panic induced disgiuse
to hide frustrated blows
with no compromise
still no ability to tell
the truth to you.
come to my rescue.
my mademoiselle.

Be the peg I need
pinch me tightly
blowning in this breeze
on this washing line.
made from faded twine
stop me falling away
into a dirty unwearable heap.

Faded posters
spread large, of forgotten
soap starlet women.
Form load bearing structures
covering these darkened walls.
Not for pleasure,
hidden by clutter
my self fought brawls.

This panic induced disgiuse
to hide frustrated blows
with no compromise
still no ability to tell
the truth to you.
come to my rescue.
my mademoiselle.

Cracked knuckles
bloodied chafed worn skin
like a bomb damaged airfield.
I refuse to hold you
in these damaged hands
not until they are healed.

Thursday, 14 January 2010

combust with you

I combust and renew
soon rough seas violently boil
with my passion for you,
into the salty tears
that poisons the soil.

Once again,
this predictable routine
at my doorstep like clockwork
smalltalk begins, in its place
this pattern runs
like a heartless machine.
You arrive here.
Your drunken embrace.

This empitness is eternal
with those few blasphemed
hours with you.
Im your bedtime curfew.

You're only interested in me
when your a failed drunk wreck
i still cant say no.
Last trace of self respect
lost long ago.

This needing,
deep self loathing clauses
allow my soul for these moments
your beer smelling perfume disgusts
delicate soft skin
with drunk noshing kisses.
Heavy handed groping.
This unending lust.

This empitness is eternal
with those few blasphemed
hours with you.
Im your bedtime curfew.

I combust and renew
soon rough seas violently boil
with my passion for you,
into the salty tears
that poisons the soil.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

a tanka

Heavy buzzard floats
wheezing on cold day thermals.
Easy picking snacks.
Prey shines on winters white coat
large black fullstops on blank page.

Sunday, 10 January 2010

sail to you haiku

Sunburnt skin peeling
shirt donated for a sail.
I will get to you.

some more haikus

Lots of snow angels
litter outside local pubs.

Dying snow, collapse
fall silently from numb tree.
Star fades to cold earth.

no pets anymore

Netbook purrs on lap
gently stroking the mousepad.
Modern day house pet.

some haikus about bits of wales

Caroline street flows
polystyrene trays float by.
Deep sea of cold chips.

Startled sheep run on
huddling in footpaths way.
Bloody hell! Move! Shoo!

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

your batsignal

That hopeful glance towards
the heavily laidened
star filled sky.
the call of invisble birds,
under this urban orange light glow.
Im lost on these streets below
unable to get my bearings
away from you, teary eyed.

This thick overcoat collar
pulled up high to keep out
your cold fingered breeze
numb through
enough to bring
any man to his knees.
starving myself
of this hunger
for you.

That batsignal sign
a scalding meteorite
overhead bright
stealing all gazes
except mine.
no matter where i turn
unable to get away
from your presence
lurking in the shadows
hiding from your sight.
burnt out deep behind.

That hopeful glance towards
the heavily laidened
star filled sky.
the call of invisble birds,
under this urban orange light glow.
Im lost on these streets below
unable to get my bearings
away from you, teary eyed.

This thick overcoat collar
pulled up high to keep out
your cold fingered breeze
numb through
enough to bring
any man to his knees.
starving myself
of this hunger
for you.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

a soggy haiku

Foolish take shelter
rain disrupts this journey took.
Arrive sooner damp.

a haiku

Finally the end
patience lost through long waiting.
Girlfriends movie choice.

some haikus

Buried deep inside
unshakeable memory
that one smile from you.

Umbrellas disrupts
upturned boats blocks the passage.
Of the more prepared.

Sunday, 3 January 2010

some tankas

This broken mattress
sinks low, broken on my side.
roll over towards me, please.
Natural sleeping snuggle.

Dead branches stratch hard
like a passionate lover.
Lost deep in forest.
Stumbling, exit path found.
scars remind, of this mistake.

forgotten thoughts haiku

Breath glazes window
thoughts frozen, captured in time.
Melt away slowly.

birds cleavage view haiku

Lonely bird in tree
scrambles up dead branches high.
Better cleavage view.

some haikus

Cat on lap, tail up
reverses up backwards close.
Playdough star maker.

Face like no other
beautiful looks can stop time.
All stop in deep awe.