Saturday, 7 August 2010

shortbread piano love song

Hand written on crumpled paper
from slayed rain forest acres
with extended piano solo,
this love song
Ive practiced on a pretend keyboard.
Made from shortbread fingers
and bourbon creams
in Hong Kong
I'd set all the jazz bars aglow
with songs about my dreams
you, my so adored.

Tinfoil milk lid shakers
those heartbeat rhythm keepers.
This keyboard slowly
crumbles from sweaty touches
as I write toadstool notes
joined together like fairy lights
on pulse settings.
Spelling out in morse code,
my flavour biscuit type.

Bass drumming on biscuit tin lid
rich tea crumbs jostling knocks
harmonic chours lines crossed out,
biro eraser
sustain pedal below at my feet.
Made from rolled up socks
pressed down toes
notes linger
with headline tours soon soldout
this stage I soon outgrow
you, my sure heartbeat.

Tinfoil milk lid shakers
those heartbeat rhythm keepers.
This keyboard slowly
crumbles from sweaty touches
as I write toadstool notes
joined together like fairy lights
on pulse settings.
Spelling out in morse code,
my flavour biscuit type.

Written this song to impress you
I want it to be perfect,
thats why I repeat it over carefully
until its set in my heart
where it belongs.

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