Tuesday, 11 January 2011

haiku about the shipping forecast

Bed slumbering slow
pirate dreams on gentle seas.
Shipping Forecast sails.

Monday, 10 January 2011

rubix cubed

Camouflage myself

with cottonwool ball attire

in the rooftop clouds

where I’d secretly admire

the outline of your face.

Until i slip and fall

with spitfire arcing grace.

Placed on your knee

this rubix cube puzzle

the only patient one enough

without peeling off coloured squares

to solve me.

Expansion bridging

shouldering your hearts desires

through gritted teeth

burning smoke signal fires

whispers soon faded.

towards other side

move on collect two hundred.

Placed on your knee

this rubix cube puzzle

the only patient one enough

without peeling off coloured squares

to solve me.

Replacement spring

in this worn out jack in the box

still then unopened

now ready for my spacewalk

your jake to your finn.

Adventuring now

our time onwards no trade-ins.

Yours and mine.

Sunday, 9 January 2011

shared newspaper haiku

Newspaper on train
left violated and torn.
Passagers read on.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

cheesecake haiku

Blueberry cheesecake
pac-man shaped with slice missing.
Squishy between toes.

Sunday, 2 January 2011

some more haikus

Baseball capped children
birds pecking through lunch remains.
Sat bored at table.

Clearing nose rule three
if you can taste while picking.
You're in too deep.

Ashes cricket shown
federation square deckchair.
Glorious summer.

haikus for the new year

Christmas party hat

red chin line from elastic.
Now chip transporter.

Power sliding man
inside forcefield triangle.
Yellow wet floor sign.

Irish talking group
gurggling tap filling bath.
overflows constantly.

'Cool fairylights mate.'
'They're not suppose to flash.'
Faulty plug socket.